Mr. Crawford

The SPHS Music Boosters would like to invite past and present students, families, colleagues, and community members to honor Mr. Howard Crawford's remarkable 34-year career as
Director of Instrumental Music at South Pasadena High School.

The event will be held on Saturday, June 1, on the Tiger Patio at South Pasadena High School.

Please feel free to bring a snack or treat to share with the group, and let us know you’ll join us by completing the RSVP form below!

Whether or not you are able to attend, please help us thank & honor Mr. Crawford in these ways:

1. We invite you to contribute a message to Mr. Crawford, which will be compiled into a memory book that will be presented to him. Follow this link to contribute a message.

2. You may also contribute photos/memories/videos from your time in the SPHS Music Program for incorporation into the memory book or a slideshow, by directly uploading your materials here. This is a good option for especially large files. We would be particularly grateful for contributions from the pre-social media era (prior to ~2010):

3. Music Boosters is collecting funds for a gift for Mr. Crawford and to partially offset the cost of the event. The suggested contribution is $5-10 per person; any leftover funds raised will be donated to the general SPHS Music Boosters operating budget and will directly benefit the SPHS Instrumental Music Program.

4. Help us spread the word to past SPHS music program participants and colleagues! Please share the link to this page with anyone who may be interested in honoring Mr. Crawford.


Thank you, Mr. Crawford!